Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wednesday 21st November - Family based FUN

It seems an issue for most people is finding the time to be more active and get to the gym. This reminded me of the excuses that often come up when talking to clients over the years about why past attempts to lose bodyfat had failed them.

1. They had no time to spare.
2. They wanted to spend more time with their families.

I totally understand these issues but with obesity rolling along like an out of control freight train that we need to deal with here are simple facts you need to consider in relation to the Human E.C.O. Plan:
- There are 168 hours in each and every week.
- You only have to find 3 hours PER WEEK for activity on my plan.
- If you do 1 hour of activity each day of the weekend you only have to find 1 more during the week. Doesn't seem that hard does it ?

It's not but I have deliberately designed this to be a workable solution by minimizing / adjusting part of the current issue of the excessive intake of daily calories and then matching that up with an activity program to suit the goal.

Three hours per week can make a life changing difference !

Now to the issue of spending time with your family and not wanting to deprive you of that either here are some suggestions you could try.
- Enlist your family into your life changing goal which means that they will also improve their overall health.
- The three hours of activity can also include them. Your children could ride their bikes while you and your partner could walk / run.
- You could take a ball with you and play games in a park or beach.
- You could take some rope and teach your children to jump rope.
- You could take a backpack with some healthy food options, flavoured water and have a picnic halfway during the session.

Making life changing habits for ALL the family will not only ensure that there is minimal disruption to the family environment it will allow you to get healthy and provide "family time" together.

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