Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday 20th November - Stinking Thinking or Negative Thoughts

I had just finished a run this morning and was stretching in a local park. I overheard a father yelling at this son aged about 7 yrs old for doing something wrong and calling his son stupid (it wasn't hard to hear as the father was quite loud).

I felt for the boy as the park had quite a few people in it. Now you may say that there may have been a reason for his comments (note - I didn't say "good reason" as I see little benefit to bashing the boy's esteem with or without an audience).

Walking home it got me to thinking how easy it can be for us to hurt someone's feelings and esteem (whether intentionally or not) with words. I wondered if that young boy had a terrible day as a result. I am sure we have all done it, maybe not as disrespectfully as that father, but our words can hurt those we care about.

The point of Stinking Thinking (or negative thoughts) is that not only do we have the power to relive them but equally we also have the power to let them go.

They are only words and sometimes it is best to let them go which can often help us to relax and lose some of the stress from our lives.

How do we let go of this stress when these words often come from someone we love or whose opinion we value ?
Well first off, you should put as much weight in your own opinion as you do in others. You know that you are mostly a good person but this rarely has any currency or value in our esteem bank. IT SHOULD.

We should all try to make daily deposits into our own esteem bank account knowing that it can also improve our self perception. This is really important for children.

A lesson that is now taught to business managers is to try to catch your staff "doing something right" instead of just catching them doing something wrong. Equally we should try to do this with our friends and family.

Maybe if this happens we can try to change more negative thoughts into positive thoughts and lose the stinking thinking !

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