Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday 18th November - Feedback on the Human ECO Plan

As promised I have been sending out the 56 day plan to a range of health and fitness professionals who I wanted to independently give me feedback. This was not designed to pander my ego but rather assess if they thought in a real world scenario that it would work for anyone trying.

There are two parts -
1. Rainbow Nutrient Refuelling Plan for 56 days to set you up for life changing results.
2. Afterburner Workouts are either 3 x 60 mins or 6 x 30 mins you choose it's your life.

Remember that this program is designed for the majority of the population but mostly those that are NOT currently doing something. This is like a "shot in the arm" or insert whatever bodypart you need to fix.

So far from five of the best it's come back 100% positive. I will continue to provide feedback as we finalize the "uploading process" to make this available very soon. Sorry for those that are getting impatient !

Here is one testimonial from Deb Dawson who is an Australian lady who recently (October 07) competed in the Womens National Bodybuilding Federation Championships (hope I got the translation right) and she placed 2nd - what an awesome effort !

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Deb says "I really had to step back and look at it from a "non competitive bodybuilder" perspective. Once I did this I could see that it would be very benefical to also most anyone willing to take up the challenge.

Excellent food variety and choices making it easier for one to obtain these foods throughout the day for meal times. Also the variety in the foods provides all the macronutrients needed for a healthy functioning body, once the body is in this state it will respond accordingly e.g. fat loss, muscle gains.
The food options are also a great way not to give one the excuse of not having the ingredients available, this is a key to keeping it simple and not complicated, if complicated then excuses are used to not follow the program.

I liked the way you eased into the Rainbow Nutrient Plan by starting at week 1 and slowly reducing fats, alcohol, dairy etc over the few weeks until week 5 of the Rainbow plan!

The more I go over it, the more I like it.

My first reaction after reading this was "I would not do this"!
But that's because I am a competitive bodybuilder and need to train and do cardio differently to achieve as much muscle gains as possible!
So looking at it from a perspective of say a personal trainer who perhaps had a client who was interested in losing weight, being healthy and wanting to increase his/her fitness levels but had not worked out for a while.

Now would I recommend Afterburner Workout Plan?
Yes! And here's why:
It's broken down in every aspect from cardio to resistance training so it makes it easy to follow but more importantly, easier to stick with and follow through.
It focuses on fat burning during cardio and resistance training due to the high reps.

This combined with the Rainbow Nutrient Refuelling Plan will definately produce results in the reduction of body fat.

You have a great package here Tony and I hope it becomes a success for you and for anyone who uses it. Trying to battle the obesity epidemic is one of the hardest challenges in this day and age, but if we can go back to basics and re educate people about food and how the body really works it would be a step in the right direction. The other important issue here is time, we are all so rushed these days, so keeping it simple is crucial, you have done this with offering many options with the meal plan.

Thank you for sharing this with me.

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Not sure I could ask for better than that.

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