Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday 3rd November - FIVE strategic tips and a reality check

These are five (5) strategic tips to help you make your plan (and commitment) for getting the kind of body you want.

I say kind of body you want because after being involved in this field for so many years I have never met anyone that is "happy with their body". When you get close to the original goal you will move the goal posts meaning that most people think, if I got this close to my goal, I could probably get a little further if I put in more effort. Not always the case.

Very few people get up in the morning and like what they see.
I have heard it called "stranger in the mirror" syndrome. You do not see what others see and rarely will you truly believe what you have been told by others. Surely my own eyes can't lie so I must be that person with the (insert bad bodypart here) that I see.

This "negative self image" includes the models you see on magazine covers (before they are air-brushed), the fitness models that market you fat loss products and equipment for companies and the athletes at the top of their game. So don't be hard on yourself. There is no perfect body and there is no one with it.

We should all aspire to be the best we can be. But let us all take a reality check. If you are not Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie you never will be, so it is not respectful to yourself to ask a trainer to make you into them (which he/she can't).

Only Jennifer or Angelina can be themselves.
You can only be a better YOU and that should be good enough.

Rarely have I met anyone when I was a fitness trainer that came to see me and said that they want to be a better them which really should be our goal. Then maybe we might learn to like not only who we are but what we are.

So let's take a look at these top 5 tips :

1. Try to focus on the positive.

2. Let go of the past.

3. Organize your life.

4. Don't just do it - do it well.

5. Practice LIFE with enthusiasm and passion !

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