Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday 17th November - What is my E.C.O. plan going to contain ?

I was asked what the E.C.O. phases of my plan are going to contain so I want to share it with you here. The Human E.C.O. System is the book YOU need to read. Here is a description of what it contains:

1. Evolution - This is a section devoted to the past habits, patterns, trigger points that have impacted upon achieving success for weight loss. By being able to identify these errors we can move forward with clarity which then allows us to better comprehend this knowledge.

2. Comprehension - This section is to provide a level of understanding of your body and the key internal elements I will cover such as the Heart, the Liver, the Kidney's, Pancreas and Gastro-intestinal Tract, to show you that nutrition and activity can reduce and reverse the "internal pollution", so that YOU can become personally responsible with greater awareness and change the past.

3. Operation “GO” - This is the action phase which consists of the outline of the next fifty six (56) days or eight (8) weeks of life changing habits so YOU know what you are going to be doing; the RAINBOW Nutrient Refuelling plan is to maximize your fat loss results and ; and the Afterburner Workouts based around your weekly commitment of 3 hours of activity with either 3 x 60 minute or 6 x 30 minute workouts to give you a variety of options for your activity sessions.

I have sent the 56 Day Plan out to some friends and I will be posting their feedback in the next 48 hours so you can see if it as good as I am saying.

Remember this plan is designed for the majority of the World's population. It can assist anyone that completes the 56 days.
Are you ready for the challenge ?

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