Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday 4th November - Summer of Salads

I was attending (and presenting) at Matt O'Neill's Nutrition Conference here in Sydney two weekends ago and I was impressed by the little ways that we can start to influence the eating habits of others just by changing their perception.

One of the event sponsors had supplied a giveaway book which was full of great easy salad ideas. Matt was mentioning that down here in the Southern Hemisphere it is rapidly approaching the warmest time of the year (for most people that means swimwear and Beach time) and how the salads were again going to become a staple part of everyone's eating habits.

He spoke of the "Summer of Salads" and for me it brought about memories of days when I was a child of the family all munching and crunching on large crispy lettuce leaves and big ripe tomatoes. Then I recalled more recent times of BBQ's and plates piled high with delicious salads.

The power of this "word association" example was proven this week when I had friends over for dinner and had cooked up lamb kebabs on the BBQ then prepared a salad that I had seen on one of the shows on the Food Network channel. It was relatively simple with Baby Spinach leaves, chunky tomatoes, shaved Parmesan and cubed pear pieces.
Simple dressing of olive oil, lemon and herbs. And presto - tasty salad.

They all commented on how good the food was and loved eating salad with Summer coming on. I was also complimented on this combination which was really tasty (of course I failed to mention that I had seen it on a cooking show - a man has to take praise wherever he can get it).

I then asked them who was going to give this meal a go and they all said they would.

The Summer of Salads is upon us so don't wait - get some on your plate now.

The bonus is that with all those fibre filled nutrients you can load up your plate without feeling bad about solving your hunger issues and still be able to meet your daily goal to be healthier.

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