Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why did I develop the Global Health Challenge ?

I wanted to give an overview of how the next fifty six (56) days or eight (8) weeks of life changing habits is undertaken.

Instead of just implementing a life stopping plan as most DIETS are, that will only have short term potential and limited results, I wanted to explore how we could actually make life changing habits that last and still get you the body you desire.

The issue with any plan that just has short term gains is that when you ‘re-enter” your life patterns, you will probably go back to your old unhealthy habits and you will have wasted your time, and probably your money as most quick fix schemes are designed to make someone else rich.

It’s time for a change.
So this plan is for FREE. All it takes is your commitment and time.

Here is the real reason that it will work like no other plan.
Unless you start to either understand or relate to your body and how it functions you will continue to make the same errors, mistakes and failures that have plagued your fat loss goals from the past. We need to remove, replace and reprogram those failure causing habits.

So what did I do ?
I met and worked with some of the leading behaviour change experts from around the world and they all have the same issues with diets or exercise programs. Any “elimination plan” that doesn’t create behaviour change isn’t going to last.

Taking that understanding onboard I wanted to create a plan that used sensible and sustainable ways that will change your life and give you some knowledge that increases your ability to make better choices. This is the foundation to life changing results and the basis of YOUR Human ECO System.

So what is our plan ?
It is a 56 day program. Much like an 8 Step Life Changing Plan or 12 Step Habit Busting Plan.
By taking the first four (4) weeks of my plan to reduce and replace the elements of your life that impact your health or are detrimental to your goal, and slowly replacing them with better options YOU begin to not only notice the changes but YOU are 100% responsible for making them.

Is this plan easy ?
If you are asking this question you are not ready to do this. The reason that some plans fail to work for you is that you don’t stay committed. You don’t finish them and then wonder why they didn’t work. It’s like only completing half the race and wondering why you don’t get a “finishing medal”.

This plan is not meant to be easy, it is meant to work and last.
The duration is 56 days (8 weeks) which isn’t a long time to see fantastic results and save YOUR own life by making changes you can understand and always implement.

Are you worth it ?


With any suggested lifestyle changing program it is recommended that you seek a full medical clearance before undertaking this or any health program. The information supplied is done on an information basis and not meant to replace any medical advice given by a medical specialist.

If you are unsure whether this will suit you take it to your medical / health specialist and have them see if it is going to be complimentary to your current lifestyle.

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