Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday 7th July 2008 - There are NO more excuses for being unhealthy. DO THIS PROGRAM NOW


Then these 56 Days will allow YOU to regain control of your Human ECO System.
I am going to help by providing all the knowledge as I want YOU to achieve both your peak physical and mental health.

Physical health will come through the nutrition and activity components.
Mental health will come from the success YOU achieve and the love and acceptance of YOUR new body through increased self esteem and changed bodyshape.

This is not a miracle plan - with pills and potions - it takes effort and commitment. Did I just lose some of you?
Sorry, but the effort required is ONLY three hours per week of activity and then the commitment to remain "constantly aware" for the 56 days. This is also not a money making scheme designed to have the only weight you lose come from YOUR wallet.

It is however a chance for you to practice all the elements of the program over a set time period of ONLY 56 days and gain achievable results of both weight and fat loss.

Why do you need to learn these tools?
Because most of us are walking talking derelicts. We know what we are doing wrong, and in fact most of us could probably prescribe a sensible plan to achieve this healthier life but we don't. That is what I mean about creating a new "health" model for success. Change is required and so that means a team effort. I'm committed to helping you change where you currently are to where you want to be.

People often complain about how hard it is to lose weight, and then privately hate themselves for a lack of self control. You see the ONLY real thing in our lives that we control is what goes into our mouths and bodies. Most likely someone else supplies guidelines for your employment. Someone else supplies guidelines for other areas of your life but there is only one control point responsible for eating - YOU.

Now probably like most people you are confused and this leads to looking for the easy option. You know that this is not doing you any favors but as long as there is someone else to blame then you continue to follow the mixed messages supplied by media and "experts".

Be honest with yourself.
Do you really want to be unhealthy?
Do you really like what you see in the mirror?

If not know that you are not alone. This self loathing leads to the majority of people giving up the obvious path of an active lifestyle or even movement because we are a growing number of overweight people in society and until we reach that obese status, we don't worry about 5/10/15 additional kilograms of weight we put on.

We then do nothing and feel a level of self pity when we have to buy bigger sized clothes until we get to the next stage - we reach the point where disease management is required or a medication solution takes away our concerns. We have become a society of lazy people who cope with this by becoming "self medicators" either through pills, potions, drugs, medications or alcohol. A great lot of role models for children we are.

These points may seem harsh with what I have said and if it "stings a little", I don't apologize for being honest, and can accept giving you a little personal pain now instead of waiting until you get that medical demand to change. That was the Tony Pill so swallow it down with some water and let's get to creating personal changes in YOU.

This change can happen and so here is my commitment.
With this eight week program - you WILL gain the necessary knowledge through life changing experiences that YOU control but it will take YOU doing this with strength, compassion and integrity.

Those three words symbolize what I believe will be needed for YOUR journey.

Strength of Mind - when the day seems tough and the easy option is calling to ignore the workout and head for the bar, coffee shop or couch at home.
Compassion of Heart - because we need to love ourselves a little more and be less judgemental to achieve the success we deserve.
Integrity of Soul - commitment and sacrifice always make us draw from our personal integrity bank and we want to have plenty of reserves.

So why would I give this program away for FREE when I have personally spent thousands and thousands of dollars to gain the knowledge through courses and then further spent hours of my own personal research to test this when really I could charge hundreds of dollars for this with only 3 easy payments.

Okay that is a fair question. What about we do this so you realize the value.
It's going to cost $99 for the entire program with three easy payments of $33.
But wait....
To create further value I will pay that amount each month for YOU and all YOU have to do is get off your butt and achieve this goal. I am tired of hearing these two excuses. It costs too much to get healthy and it takes too long to see a result. So I have built a program around those two points.

So what is required :

- Activity is 3 x 1 hours per week = ONLY 3 hours out of 168 hours. I don't care what you do as long as you increase your heart rate for 30 minutes each time. You could do Spin one day. Pump or Bar Class another and Cardio / Lean muscle with my AfterBurner Workouts or you could do anything you like but it must be for at least three hours per week. Now while I support the benefits of certain styles of Yoga and Pilates, as long as you are being physically challenged then it's okay but if you are not being challenged, then this becomes an additional activity. If you are feeling good or better then do more.
NOTE - my goal here is to increase your caloric expenditure

- Healthy eating with the Rainbow Nutrient Refuelling Plan, based around whole food nutrition to load up the body with life enriching Anti-Oxidants, Phyto-Nutrients and other essential ingredents that also allow for lifestyle options of nutrient rich energy replacements.
NOTE - my goal here is to control your caloric intake through quality nutrient dense food options and lower the empty calories that add up.

You see with this plan while in fact it appears simple, it is however very strategic. I had nutrition professionals give it their seal of approval and I have personnally been living on this program now for over 12 months with continuing success.

With all good programs you will get support if you need it through emailing me, checking the blog, and by providing YOUR feedback. We can exchange recipes here too. I have really started to appreciate how easy cooking can be and as a single male that is a blessing in itself. I plan to give video blogs and post them both here and on Facebook to the group.

When do we Start: Monday, 21st July
Cost: $FREE - this is over a $1000 worth of value through my knowledge

To register, all YOU have to do is log here or on the Facebook group and indicate your willingness to participate.

It's YOUR Body - It's YOUR Life !!

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