Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday 27th July 2008 - End of Week One aka Day Seven - Global Health Challenge

Well that went pretty fast and without too much pain involved.

A good point was raised about my blog titles to include the Global Health Challenge for those joining us late. Remember you can start this anytime you choose which is how it has been designed because we don't all arrive at the bus stop / train station / airport of "life change decisions" at the same time.

So it has reinforced to me the value of log keeping. I have been far less inclined to snack or just fill in time with a coffee when my body actually is craving nutrients. I have also been less inclined to make bad choices and although these are rare for me, I am human and they do happen.

The video's are coming for those that have sent me email requests for those so I hope I don't disappoint :-)))

I am shooting and editing this myself on my laptop, is that a multi-tasking skill or just further signs of my A.D.D. personality ? As well as doing this I am also writing my next screenplay for my other business so time is my only enemy but will try to find some focus time for this.

Just wanted to say that was a little sad for Cadell Evans as he is again second in the Tour De France but next year watch out world but the Wallabies Rugby Union team gave the All Blacks a textbook defeat on Saturday night so it's looking good for the return Bledisloe Cup match.

Global Health Challenge - Week Two (I will repost the 8 week Overview today)

Points to focus on for Week Two :
Goal of this week is to begin to fine tune the Plan and focus on the end result – New YOU

- Reduce alcohol completely from your life for the duration of the E.C.O. System Plan
- Reduce your caffeine intake to one cup per day (if applicable)
- Increase your fibre intake with salads and vegetables
- Increase H20 (water) to 8 glasses per day
- Maintain the three (3) days of activity

TONY 's DIARY - Day Six (Sunday or end of Week One)

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 45g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + 1/2 cup Frozen Banana. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power

Morning Workout - Got up late so I again did the Pump Class (weights were normal) and then did 10 mins (Hard) Cardio on Rower - again focussing on technique and this time did 1 minute Intervals of fast speedwork then 1 minute of slower pace. Needed to drink loads of water after this which is never a bad thing

Mid morning:
2 x Cup of Coffee + Skim milk + Protein Bar (40g protein / 8g carbs)

Mixed Leaf Salad + Tuna + Crushed Almonds + Tomato + Low Fat Cottage Cheese + Cucumber + Pear

Mid Afternoon snack:

Energy Smoothie - 400ml water + 30g Protein Powder + Comination Greens Powder

Grilled Salmon with herbs + Sweet Potato + Zucchini + Broccolli + Cauliflower.
Dessert - Piece of Citrus Almond Cake (I baked again) with low fat cream

2 Hours before bedFibre Shake + 20g Protein Powder

Overall - I again consumed enough water for the day. Again completed hard workout. Energy levels were a little lower today so took it easy. Really looking forward to next week and focussing on result.

Daily mantra :
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my actions.

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