Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday 16th April 2008 - Rainbow Nutrient Refuelling Plan - Part A of the Human ECO System


Overview of the Meal Planner for the Human ECO System.
Developed by Tony Findlay (G.H.W.) + Reviewed by Felicia Stoler MS, RD (Nutritionist)

Over the last ten years while I have been working with clients on creating their lifestyle plans (including development of their eating programs), I’ve involved the expert advice of some of the world’s leading dieticians and nutritionists. It occured to me that there really is little benefit in advising people how to eat if they don't understand why.

Now with this plan we’ve developed a “nutritional evolution”. Don’t be confused. There are NO new eating “Revolutions”, they don't exist regardless of the hype and marketing surrounding it but there can be better understanding of nutritional intake and it's importance. That is what I aim to do.

My goal is to try to find a way to encourage people to eat nutrient dense foods. In doing this you also reduce total caloric intake but not the nutrients required to promote health. This means consuming foods that are less processed or better still aren’t processed at all.

The reality of most people’s lives is that they are time-poor which means they struggle to place value on home cooking, especially when “faster food” options are better marketed and cost less – this is a fact and sign of the times. It is also a reason that there are so many health issues surrounding obesity in the world.

The most common theme during my time as a fitness and health consultant has always involved helping others lose body fat. Over the years this hasn’t changed and in fact continues to escalate as Obesity continues to be a problem for the world’s population and that trend will continue to get worse.

Research shows that certain conditions such as Obesity, Diabetes type II, Hypertension and some Cancers can to some extent, be “preventable” if your health is improved. Preventable means it's up to YOU !!

What does that mean ?
It means that YOU get to play a key role in being responsible for your own health which includes your nutritional (and caloric) intake.

How can I help you?
I suggest you try to follow this food plan for each week of the 56 days. The benefits of this meal plan will be that you can mix, match and substitute as you learn and respect your own eating preferences. By learning the basics of the plan YOU are able to become a more informed individual. There are different ways to vary this plan depending on your personal taste BUT the following rules should remain consistent.

The Rainbow Nutrient Re-Fuelling Plan Rules are simple and there aren’t many :
1. Aim for at least three (3) colours on your plate (now you know where the catchy Rainbow title comes from)
2. Eat every three (3) to four (4) hours as this will assist to maintain blood glucose (energy) levels. The timing of eating will depend on how active your life is.
3. Add a protein to every meal and ensure that it’s as lean as possible (this supports the Immune system in so many ways)

I promote healthier eating with the optimal Nutrient Re-Fuelling Plan for the body. Focus on multiple colours on your plate to ensure you get a high level of nutrients through quality foods. By doing this, you are aiming to achieve the best level of quality nutrition from vitamins, minerals and other essential elements such as phyto-nutrients, poly-phenols and anti-oxidants, directly from foods that come from the Earth.


- With any suggested eating plan, recognize the importance of drinking 8 cups of water daily. This doesn’t include the intake of tea, coffee, juice or other fluids.

I have also included where the Afterburner Workout Activ8 Sessions fit in with this Nutrient Re-Fuelling plan. I will post these later today.

RAINBOW NUTRIENT RE-FUELLING PLAN - With Workouts added for Evening Trainers

Day One - Monday
Breakfast – Morning Energy Shake (recipe for this below)
Snack – One piece of fruit (green apple OR cup of mixed berries – strawberries or blueberries preferred)
Lunch – Chicken Breast (shredded) and Salad contents on Pita Bread (whole wheat)
Snack – Afternoon Energy Shake (same as Morning but no fruit added)

Activ8 Session – Focus today on Cardio Conditioning

Dinner – Piece of Salmon with one cup of steamed vegetables

Day Two - Tuesday
Breakfast – One cup wholegrain cereal and 250ml (or 4 oz) of low fat / no fat milk
Snack – Handful of almonds (option – crush and add to some low fat yoghurt)
Lunch – Whole grain Roll with Tuna (in water) and salad contents
Snack – One cup of Vegetable Juice
Dinner – Piece of lean protein (steak or fish or tofu) with cup of salad or vegetables

Day Three - Wednesday
Breakfast – Morning Energy Shake (recipe for this below)
Snack – Mixed Fruit Salad
Lunch – California Rolls or Sushi (4-6 piece – great healthy option)
Snack – One piece of chopped fruit (apple or handful of Raisins / Sultanas) with tablespoon of low fat Yoghurt

Activ8 Session – Focus today on Lean Muscle Conditioning

Dinner – Lean piece of protein (Lamb or Beef or Tofu) with two cups of vegetables

Day Four - Thursday
Breakfast - One cup cereal (fibre enriched) and 250ml (or 4oz) of low fat / no fat milk
Snack – Mixed Berries and low fat yoghurt
Lunch - Chicken and Salad Sandwich (Whole wheat)
Snack – One cup of Vegetable Juice
Dinner – Piece of white fish (Whtiing / ) with steamed vegetables

Day Five - Friday
Breakfast – Morning Energy Shake
Snack – Rice cakes with Peanut Butter
Lunch – Brown Rice Sushi (4-6 piece healthy option)
Snack – Afternoon Energy Shake (same as Morning but no fruit added)
Dinner – Homemade Pizza (recipe below)

Day Six - Saturday
(Start the day with a glass of water and lemon)

Activ8 Session – Focus today on Combination Cardio and Lean Muscle Conditioning

Breakfast – Morning Energy Shake
Snack – None required due to later breakfast
Lunch – Fresh Vegetable Soup (option for this is to add a protein source such as chicken)
Snack – Banana or Apple
Dinner – Piece of white fish with small amount of Brown or Wild Rice, one cup of steamed Broccoli + Cauliflower

Day Seven - Sunday
Optional Activ8 Session – Family based fun. Could do Fun Run / Walk, Bike Riding, Kayaking or Games

Breakfast – Egg White omelette with tomato, mushroom, green capsicum (Peppers), Ham or Bacon
Snack – None required due to later breakfast
Lunch – Meat and Vegetable Casserole (this is a great one to prepare as it will serve you for a few days)
Snack – Diced fruit and low fat yoghurt
Dinner – Grilled Salmon and steamed vegetables

Some basic alternative options for creating the transition from unhealthy to healthy:
Try to limit adding things like egg yolks, cheese (unless low fat) as this increases total fat intake levels.
Add flavour to meals with spices and also use fresh herbs, lemon or lime.
Instead of using butter or margarine on “breads/toast” use alternative like Tomato Paste which will add taste and reduce overall fat content. You could also use teaspoon of Hummus or Avocado (when in season).

Recipe for Tony’s Energy Shake
This is a great way to meet the goal of getting in nutrients and feeling energetic for up to three hours.

- 100ml of water
- 250ml (or 4oz) of low fat / no fat milk
- ½ cup of Blueberries (or any other berry you like)
- Two scoops of Protein powder (pick a brand whose taste YOU like. Vanilla can be mixed with any fruit for taste)
I also add a powder formula called Power Shake (from the U.S. - Purium Health Foods see blog from a couple earlier). This is a great way to ensure your "pipes" or G.I. Tract are clean to absorb nutrients.

NOTE - Adding ice will increase the consistency and make it thicker if that is your preference.

Recipe for Homemade Healthy Pizza
This is a simple way to add “fast healthy food” options to your weekly eating plan.
NOTE – You can also make this vegetarian if you don’t eat meat by leaving out the “ham” and adding other vegetable options.

- 250g of lite Ham (or alternate protein option for vegetarians)
(I use two packets of Weight Watchers Bacon rashers, cook them as they are very lean and low fat)
- Mushrooms – Small punnet
- 1 to 2 Capsicums (known as Peppers in the U.S.)
- Small cup of Light (low fat) cheese
- Jar of Tomato Paste (choose low sugar content and add to the base for taste)
- 2 to 4 slices of Lebanese or Pita Bread (I also use Low Carb Burrito’s as my base)

Chop up light ham into small strips (or other protein source - I have been using Weight Watchers lean bacon rashers)
Chop up Capsicum and Mushroom into small thin slices
Place all ingredients into a non-stick pan and “brown” for a few minutes

Preheat “Griller” to toast Pita Bread (flat Lebanese bread also works)
Lightly spray with some oil (Flat Bread) and place under “Griller” for short period of time to toast, this doesn't take long.
Take out the toasted bases (caution will be HOT) and spread Tomato Paste all over them.
Add the Light Cheese (small handful)
Take the “cooked” ingredients and liberally spread them over the bases (suit to taste)

Eat and Enjoy !

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