Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday 18th April 2008 - Friends in HIGH Places

Thank you for all the fantastic emailed comments and text messages that I have been receiving for the last few posts about the Human E.C.O. System and there is more coming.

Now today I want to acknowledge a few exceptional talents who are rising above the clouds and continuing to inspire me to do great things and ALL are members of the BODY MECHANICS ADVISORY BOARD which is a childhood obesity initiative with my company Big Red Frog.

These people are truly GLOBAL HEALTH WARRIORS !!!

First off I owe my friend and nutritional expert Felicia Stoler a huge apology for not having updated her professional accreditation on the document I posted on here.

Felicia Stoler has now successfully completed her 4.5 yrs of study (she tells me to insert research and clinical torture) and is now : Felicia Stoler, DCN, MS, RD

She not only completed this awesome feat but she is also the Host of the TV Show "Honey We're Killing The Kids" for Series 2 in the U.S. on the TLC network.

Great to have Dr Stoler as part of my team for the Body Mechanics Advisory Board.


The latest very exciting news from the TV world is that Dr Mehmet Oz, another member of my Body Mechanics Advisory Board is soon to get his own daytime talk TV show.

One of the most powerful and successful people in the media today, Oprah Winfrey made the announcement that Dr Oz will be on air in 2009 which is fantastic.

Anyone who has met this man knows it is not only deserved but he will do an incredible job getting the latest health information to the worldwide masses.

Also he is the founder of the charity HEALTHCORPS which works to combat teen obesity is going from strength to strength.

That is the charity that inspired me to ride for a total of 24 consecutive hours in January to assist the raising of funds.


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has committed $8.25 Million to a Research Program to investigate design strategies and benefits of Interactive Games to improve health and health care.

The launch of Health Games Research, a new national program to support research to enhance the quality and effectiveness of interactive games used to improve health.

Health Games Research will be located at the University of California, Santa Barbara and directed by Debra Lieberman, Ph.D., communication researcher in the university’s Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research.

Yes, Deb is another member of the Body Mechanics Advisory Board and has been a fantastic leader in this type of research and development of "fun and educational medical interventions".

Research has shown that games can help increase players’ physical activity levels, reinforce anti-smoking attitudes or improve young cancer patients’ adherence to their treatment plans.

Having developed, produced and directed the creation and making of an interactive DVD game to educate and entertain children (and their families) about obesity, diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease I am very excited about this.

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