Saturday, December 8, 2007

Saturday 8th December - Head over Heels ........

I was doing a Spin class today and many thoughts were racing around my head. You see I often go to workout to provide "clarity to my thoughts", strange huh but it sems to work like a distraction for any one thought which often helps to give me options and solutions.

So now to the title of this blog.
Head over heels doesn't refer to being in love. It also doesn't refer to anyone who wears heels either but it refers to how we "think" about ourselves.

Today I realized one thing and that is that I am definitely just like everyone else. I was having an average day. Just couldn't seem to get the jigsaw puzzle pieces of my LIFE to match up. I wasn't upset, distressed or depressed, it was just one of those days when the creative work that I had intended to do just wasn't happening.
So I did what I always do when I need clarity.

I hit the gym to blow off the cobwebs inside my head (note the clever tie in for the ECO environment .....)

I was assessing how my internal Human E.C.O. System is affected by my thought process. We have already (in a previous Blog) covered how there is a real issue of "thought pollution" and that can be detrimental to our Human E.C.O. environment just as any "form of pollution" is to our planet and it's environment. Yet we continue to "clog" up our lives with thoughts that can directly impact what is happening in our bodies.

So I wanted to get you "out of your heads" and start to get you "into your bodies". Not easy as there will be a lot of resistance. For us to overcome this resistance you have to want and be conscious of how to do this.

There are studies and research by people much smarter than I am, that believe we are able to assist our bodies to get healthier if we get that mind / body connection or "head over heels". There are many people that talk about the "connection" but I still don't think we get it.

Too often you will judge yourself (affecting self esteem) by the way you look. Yet you only assess your body because that is what you are looking at.

What about if you took in the whole package ?
What about if you then made a positive decision to change what you DON'T like ?

You are now using positive thoughts (your head) to impact your body (the heel part) to impact the physical outcome by "moving forward".

You are no longer inactive.
You are no longer procrastinating.
You are now using these positive thoughts for motivation.

This is the true meaning of being "head over heels". You see you are already letting what I call the "mind over matter" principle go into effect. You see what happens above your shoulders affects below your shoulders. Whether good or bad.

Remember the Human E.C.O. System is a wonderful thing. But like the planet unless you start to care about it - it will definitely affect YOUR future.

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