Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday 2nd September 2008 - Week Seven Day Two - Global Health Challenge

To get lean and healthy for LIFE you need to how your Body works?

During the research and development of this plan I found that the more I learn about the mechanics of the body the more fascinated with it I become. It’s a combination of incredible machinery with a complex array of electrics that rival the most sophisticated computer hardware. Added to this are these unknown mysterious elements that we know as disease and the harm each one causes.

Inside the body every day there is an internal battle of good VS evil. By adopting life habits of quality nutrition and increased activity we do the right thing. Equally, we can contribute to the harm or the wrong thing being caused with an unhealthy lifestyle and then get distressed when this happens. Other factors of course play a part such as smoking and drinking alcohol but we’re going to leave them alone here.

There is enough to learn about the body and focus with here. By creating a better understanding what body parts need to work efficiently will assist us to get lean and healthy. I’ve chosen to share this information and increase your awareness of the body in an effort to create more interest in your future.

Think about this. Medical students undertake more than six years of study to become qualified to offer advice and then choose or need to become specialists. So let's not be fooled. This won't make you a Doctor and we won’t be assuming their level of knowledge, so I will aim to keep this at a level that allows us ALL to understand the mechanics of the body. This is not a medical text but more a “How To” or “Self Help” style of knowledge.

In a few earlier blogs I pointed out that this is more a "SELF HEALTH" guide.

When we’re in pain or faced with a health crisis issue we normally go to a Doctor to seek a remedy and this is normally a “quick solution” to remove the pain aspect. We seek a life with a lower level of pain and so often it's a more prescriptive remedy and is mostly given in some form of medication or treatment.

This of course makes sense. However, what if we decided to be pro-active and focus on a more prevention based strategy by being healthier before we got sick or experienced pain. Knowing how best to do this and understanding what is required would seem to make sense.

Most of us take the body for granted that we will continue to function although we rarely or never seem to do maintenance on ourselves except for events or seasonal changes. Think of it this way you probably wouldn’t treat your vehicle with such a lack of regard.

For them we undertake periodic maintenance with scheduled policies for changing engine oil and other lubricants. We supply water to cool the engine and ensure that there is adequate air for the tyres with enough quality fuel to get the automobile to run. Imagine that same care and respect shown to our automobile was a strategy that we adopted as a health maintenance policy.

It could look something like this.
We make regular visits to the doctor (20,000 mile check-up) to ensure that we are working optimally, and as required follow any advice. Ensure that we got adequate good fats (engine oil) for lubrication. Consume enough water (H2O) for our system to keep your body hydrated (cool and functioning), undertook regular cardiovascular exercise so that air is circulating through the body and finally consume adequate quality nutrients that are plant based, whole grains and lean proteins to support this healthy Human ECO System of hardware and machinery.

Seems easy doesn’t it.
You see that is the strategy I developed for the 56 Days of the Action. Now, don’t jump ahead and think that you are ready until you’ve finished reading this and getting familiar with yourself. The more you understand what is inside of your body, the more you will be able to stay focused on the plan.

Remember this is YOUR new “Instruction Booklet” for the human body so let’s consider this part the Reference Manual.

Goal of this final fourteen (14) days or two (2) weeks is designed to consolidate all of the last 6 weeks including the Human ECO Cleanse and to now establish patterns for your new LIFE.

- Assess your eating habits and see what you have re-introduced. Did you re-introduce caffeine or red meat and have you found you can now do without as much of these. The focus now is not to slip back into old habits but recognise them and use your knowledge for better choices.
- Check your workout intensity, your fitness would support increases or even additional days. Are you are planning these in to your routine- Reward yourself with only 14 days to go.
NOTE - this is isn't the end but rather the beginning of YOUR new Human ECO friendly LIFE.

TONY 's DIARY - (Week Seven - Day Two)
Protein Re-introduced - Increased Good Fats

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 40g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + Organic Coconut Oil. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power + 2 x Omega 3 Capsules

Mid Morning Snack:
Cappuccino + Protein Bar

Tuna + Broccolli and Salad + Low Fat Cottage Cheese

Mid Afternoon snack:
25g Protein Powder with water + Organic Coconut Oil

Evening Workout:
Taught Spin Class - feeling great !!!!

Baked Salmon + HUGE Mixed Salad + Tomato + Cucumber + Pear + Strawberries + Shaved Parmesan Cheese

2 Hours before Bed:
400ml water + Fibre Shake + Combination Greens + Organic Coconut Oil

Overall - Water consumption = Habit is now committed to action. Fantastic training session tonight and really worked HARD.

Daily mantra:
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my action

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