Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday 30th July 2008 - Week Two Day Three - Global Health Challenge

One thing that I have noticed about this time that I am doing the Challenge is that I am trying to increase my "cooking knowledge" and not just moving from the BBQ to the Grilling Pan but have started to explore the Oven ... yes I know, who would have thought.

Tomorrow I will post a Lamb Stew that I made and it was actually easier than I thought and those who have tasted it say it's good. When you make things for yourself more often than not you will eat them just because you have cooked them but wouldnt serve them to friends but this was good (recipe tomorrow).

So apart from cooking with the oven I am still focussing on baking. Hey I have to have my vices too you know.

With my training, I have definitely noticed a gain in strength with my workouts to the point that next week I am planning on challenging the intensity on some days and the duration on others. Remember your human machine has the ability to adapt to neuromuscular changes quite quickly which means that constant evolution is paramount for increased gains.

Bottom line is that you need to make modifications to the effort to continue to see results !

Global Health Challenge - Week Two (8 week Overview reposted in earlier blog)

Points to focus on for Week Two :
Goal of this week is to begin to fine tune the Plan and focus on the end result – New YOU
- Reduce alcohol completely from your life for the duration of the E.C.O. System Plan
- Reduce your caffeine intake to one cup per day (if applicable)
- Increase your fibre intake with salads and vegetables
- Increase H20 (water) to 8 glasses per day- Maintain the three (3) days of activity

TONY 's DIARY - (Week Two - Day Three)

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 45g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + 1/2 cup Frozen Banana. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power

Mid morning:
Cup of Coffee + Skim milk + 4 x Corn Thins with Lean Ham

Chicken and Salad + Water + 150g Almonds

Mid Afternoon snack:
Energy Smoothie - 400ml water + 30g Protein Powder + Comination Greens Powder

Evening Workout - Pump Class 45 mins + 15 Mins Hard Cardio Rower

Grilled Salmon + Mixed Leaves + Tomato + Broccolli + Cauliflour + Carrot + Baked Potato Chips. Dessert - None

2 Hours before bed
Fibre Shake + 20g Protein Powder

Overall - I again consumed enough water for the day - this is getting easier to do.
Again completed hard workout for lean muscle conditioning and cardio fitness.

Daily mantra :
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my actions.

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