Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday 31st July 2008 - Week Two Day Four Global Health Challenge - Intention VS Action

I have been discussing with professional friends this week many of the different reasons that seem to appear to be "blocking" others who desire success from reaching that successful outcome with their health results.

Remember that effort = result.
We all have aspects of our lives that need to take a priority at certain times through circumstances that we don't always have control over however this will always happen in our lives. Nothing is set in stone so allow some flexibility but don't just give up.

For most people around the world while the intent to meet their personal health goals is pure, it is the actions they choose that don't always match and sometimes in fact are a hinderance leading to a definite failure.

Here are some examples to think about.

You know the person that trains hard at the gym most days of the week to improve their physique but clearly is not getting the optimum results they could be because of their nutritional intake or social habits. So they train more often or longer. They are probably either eating whatever they desire without regard for its nutrient or caloric value because in their mind "I train so I can eat or drink whatever I want" ... WRONG = Failure.

They lead a highly social life that starts on Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday afternoon. While I don't judge anyone for the life they choose, I do caution you of the impact that it will have on your success result and in fact I have had people do plans before and complain they didn't achieve what had been indicated.

A short conversation with them leads us BOTH to discover and be enlightened that they really hadn't been doing what I had "prescribed" but rather modifying it to suit their social capabilities and desires. To each his own - but don't blame me.

One of my greatest puzzles when it comes to health is the person (male or female) who is totally committed to their cardio training on a daily basis to support their dieting habits but then smokes cigarettes. Really does putting the "poisons" in your Human Eco System that are doing you confirmed harm balance out the exercise to meet calorie intake or deficit ?? Wake up !!!! Wrong = Failure.

So how can you match your intent with your actions?
The first step is to have a plan that outlines all of YOUR responsibilities. Then follow through with ALL the elements and not just the ones that suit you. Those that are too hard shouldn't be dropped but rather find a way to make them less hard and in fact adjust your "attitood compass" to make them palatable.

Remember I have already committed to YOU with this plan to assist get the health results you seek and so YOU need to do what is necessary for YOU to get the results YOU desire.

With minor adjustments all the "perceived" issues can become less of "excuses or personal roadblocks" and more of "personal success achievements" when you confront and concur them.

One of my favorite sayings is "Have the courage to finish what you start !" It's YOUR Body - it's YOUR Life.

Global Health Challenge - Week Two (8 week Overview reposted in earlier blog)

Points to focus on for Week Two :
Goal of this week is to begin to fine tune the Plan and focus on the end result – New YOU
- Reduce alcohol completely from your life for the duration of the E.C.O. System Plan
- Reduce your caffeine intake to one cup per day (if applicable)
- Increase your fibre intake with salads and vegetables
- Increase H20 (water) to 8 glasses per day- Maintain the three (3) days of activity

TONY 's DIARY - (Week Two - Day Four)

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 45g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + 1/2 cup Frozen Banana. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power

Mid morning:Cup of Coffee + Skim milk

Mixed Leaf Salad + Cottage Cheese + Tomato + Cucumber + Strawberries + Water + 150g Almonds

Mid Afternoon snack:
Energy Smoothie - 400ml water + 30g Protein Powder + Comination Greens Powder

Evening Workout - Pump Class 45 mins + 15 Mins Hard Cardio Rower

Grilled Salmon + Mixed Leaves + Tomato + Broccolli + Cauliflour + Carrot + Baked Potato Chips. Dessert - None

2 Hours before bedFibre Shake + 20g Protein Powder

Overall - I again consumed enough water for the day - this is getting easier to do.
Again completed hard workout for lean muscle conditioning and cardio fitness.

Daily mantra :
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my actions.

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