Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday 24th July 2008 - My Diary Day Four + Almond Citrus Cake Recipe

Just so that I can allay any concerns about the eating plan that is provided in the Challenge as someone commented on my Diary being different. The plan I have supplied is fine for anyone as it reduces overall unnecessary calories and re-introduces quality nutrients and yes this is fine for everyone !

I have modified my plan to suit both my tastes and also my time-poor lifestyle. I like the ease of a morning shake and so do it cause it works to get me results and it also takes less than a minute. I plan to film that this weekend to show you how easy it is.

I know that I am "quick to act" mentality so for me, once I make a decision staying with it is easy. For others it is a constant battle. If you are like that you will need to adjust what you do to fit in with your plan but for me, monotony of the same foods and types doesn't affect me. If it get's the result I aim for then so be it. That is just me.

I am receiving great feedback from people who are also doing the Global Health Challenge and feeling positive about their efforts to day which is fantastic but get ready for the first test - the weekend.

I find this "test" happens whenever people make a conscious choice regarding making a life changing decision and nothing is more important than your health but being social is hard to do when others want you to be a certain way and do things not on your plan.

At bottom of blog is the recipe I found for the cake. Now I have a piece each day as reward for ongoing commitment and I love dessert so that is my "sin of preference". This is a Diabetic approved recipe which means that anyone (apart from the Gluten Intolerant can eat it). Enjoy.

TONY 's DIARY - Day Four

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 45g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + 1/2 cup Frozen Banana. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power

Mid morning:Cup of Coffee + Skim milk + Protein Bar (was out at meetings so planned ahead)

Mixed Leaf Salad + Hommous + Tin of Tuna + Crushed Almonds + Tomato

Mid Afternoon snack - Cup of Coffee + Skim milk
Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 20g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder (no fruit)

Afterburner Workout - I did this and tried to work hard on both elements for 30 mins.
Cardio component 20 mins on Treadmill (Intervals) + 10 mins (hard cardio) on Rower

Dinner: Leftover Turkey and CousCous Rissoles + Steamed Vegetables (Broccolli / Carrots / Tomato). Dessert - None tonight

2 Hours before bed
Fibre Shake + 20g Protein Powder

Overall - Workouts are going well and I'm feeling strong. I again consumed enough water for the day and have cut down on my social coffee's by carrying around water bottle with me.

Daily mantra :
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my actions.

I cooked this so that I had a treat for the next few days. Recipe for Almond Citrus Cake.

125g low fat spread
1/3 cup castor sugar
2 eggs
1 cup wholemeal self raising flour
1/3 cup almond meal
1/4 cup orange juice
zest of lemon and orange

Preheat Oven to 160 degrees
Spray or line pan (I used a loaf pan and worked okay)
Mix low fat spread, sugar, lemon and orange zest until pale and creamy
Add eggs (1 at a time), mixing well after each one
Fold in flour, almond meal, orange juice until combined
Spread mixture into pan
Bake 20-25 mins

Serve with Low Fat Yoghurt on top. Enjoy

Suggestion - this wasnt in the recipe but I spoke to a friend and she told me to get the juice of four or five oranges and boil up with small amount of brown sugar to form syrup and pour over cake when cooked ... this was so really nice !!!!

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