Sunday, July 27, 2008

Overview of the 8 weeks - Global Health Challenge


Week One -

Goal of this week is begin to eliminate all the unnecessary elements of your nutrition intake that have been causing the problems to your health status. Let’s GO !

- Reduce alcohol intake to weekend only
- Replace white foods to whole grains
- Reduce fat intake with low fat / no fat options
- Increase H20 (water) intake to 6 glasses per day
- Introduce the three (3) days of activity with the AFTERBURNER Workouts to your routine

Week Two -

Goal of this week is to begin to fine tune the Plan and focus on the end result – New YOU

- Reduce alcohol completely from your life for the duration of the E.C.O. System Plan
- Reduce your caffeine intake to one cup per day (if applicable)
- Increase your fibre intake with salads and vegetables
- Increase H20 (water) to 8 glasses per day
- Maintain the three (3) days of activity

Week Three -

Goal of this week is to consolidate the first two (2) weeks of life changing habits – Well done so far.

- Reduce caffeine intake to green tea or better yet none
- Reduce your intake of starch and grains to wholemeal versions
- Maintain H20 (water) intake to 8 glasses per day
- Maintain the three (3) days of activity

Week Four -

Goal of this week is to consolidate the first three (3) weeks of life changing habits – Half way !

- Reduce your dairy intake
- Reduce intake of red meat and replace to white fish
- Maintain the three (3) days of activity – add an additional “family fun day” on the weekend
- Maintain H20 (water) intake to 8 glasses per day

Week Five – ECO Cleanse Week – the Challenge.

Goal of this week is to use the next seven (7) days as the “detox period for an internal eco-cleanse”

- Day one =

- Day two =

- Day three =

- Day four = These 7 Days are broken down and supplied in earlier blog

- Day five =

- Day six =

- Day seven =

NOTE - They say it takes only 21 days to form a life changing habit. Then this is your time as that is how many days are left.

Goal of this next twenty one (21) days or three (3) weeks are designed to consolidate the first 5 weeks and to now being to establish patterns for your new LIFE.

Week Six – Think of what you want to re-introduce and the impact it will have.

This is the first week after the ECO Cleanse so give yourself credit. YOU are only 21 days from completing a major milestone in your life.


Week Seven - Its so close !

This is the last 14 days of the life changing plan. Think how differently you are feeling (and looking) with the choices that you have made and are NOW making.


Week Eight - The final few days of your plan – WELL DONE !

This is the last 7 days of the life changing plan and now you must make some decisions. Are you going to go back to your old way of unhealthy eating and living ? This last 56 days can be the catalyst for a NEW YOU or just a slightly improved version – YOU decide.

So now you have everything you need to get started.

Are YOU ready to finally take charge of your health ?
Are YOU ready to get ECO-friendly with your body once and for all ?

Then the Human E.C.O. System Plan has been designed for YOU


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