In the year of the next Olympics it seems that Australian adults are already winners cause it is GOLD GOLD GOLD !!!
Sadly this isn't a positive result and will definitely reduce our long term health for the Australian population. This comes as no surprise to me and in fact if you read my blog from last week it reflects the very point that I raised and is supported in the latest research released today.
The ALARMS are ringing (louder) but no one is hearing !!!
At a Nutrition Conference last November I presented this number and it was debated fiercely by the "nutritional experts" in the room as being too high. Well I am by no means a mathematical genius - I have school reports to validate this :-) but can
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This is from the report:
The report, entitled Australia's Future Fat Bomb, was released ahead of the federal government's obesity inquiry. It presents the results of height and weight checks carried out on 14,000 adult Australians nationwide in 2005, giving the most thorough picture of obesity since the AusDiab study in 1999. The report reveals that nine million adults (9,000,000 out of 21,000,000) have a BMI over 25, making them overweight or obese, an increase from seven million. Four million are obese, up from three million.
NOTE - This report reflects adults and not children in that number. I am saying that we have about 4 million school age children and numbers from over 5 years ago stated that we had 25% overweight which is another 1,000,000 children at risk of health issues. I think this is NOW higher and I would be willing to hypothetise that we are closer to 1,500,000 so that means they will likely grow up to be overweight adults. Not looking good is it !!!
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This shows a pathetic attempt at health "protection".
I am talking about YOU taking some responsibility in your own health care and managing those words by supporting actions. You see "prevention" is a great step and definitely necessary, but it doesn't deal with self efficacy. It is often too easy for most people, and by the climbing numbers this is growing, to ignore their own health problems and even allow them to cope with this issue as a seasonal "excuse".
In Australia right now it's not Summer so you don't have to deal with any body issues (which are also health issues) for the next 4 to 5 months. By then you have most likely added 5 kilo's (about 10lbs) of excess bodyweight. Then it will be too hard so you will give up and again continue to add to those 5 with another 5 and before YOU know it - YOU ARE A STATISTIC !!
Again I want to qualify and give a definition what I believe "unhealthy" is :
It is ANY additional weight that places stress on the Human ECO System and causes additional health concerns. Remember there is clear evidence that being overweight is a contributor to the following diseases - Hypertension (stress), Diabetes (type II), Coronary Heart Disease (heart attacks).
Now if any of those personal health issues don't motivate YOU into action then reading another headline is in no way going to cause more than a ripple on your daily media coverage until you turn the page or hit backspace.
We need to start ensuring our own Border Security in the Human ECO System which is about CELL protection. There is that word again "protection". Maybe the headline should be something like this :
"TERRORISTS ATTACK HUMAN ECO SYSTEM - YOUR MISSION IS TO STOP THEM" - and we could make you all "Jack Bauer and give you 24 Hours" to start protecting yourself for the future. I think that if we start to adopt practices of health actions and stop waiting for the diseases to cripple us we might start to change the facts being produced in reports.
Tomorrow I start my series of articles on the Protecting the Human Cell.
Don't miss out on putting yourself first and finding out how your body works so that YOU can protect it against the enemy - health diseases !
Thursday, June 19, 2008
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