Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday 15th May 2008 - Fitness Possessed or Fitness Obsessed

Are you wondering what the difference is ?

Well then allow me to give you some insight into the difference between passion and obsession. I have often been described as a fitness freak or a fitness nut and mostly I seem to just ignore the judgement and insult that comes from that perception.

You see being healthy is a life choice I take very seriously. This will come as no shock or surprise to anyone who knows me personally or reads my blog here regularly. I honestly believe we can make a difference in a small way through our words, BUT can make a difference in a large way, through our actions.

The saying "walk your talk" to me literally indicates a belief in not only what you say, but that you apply any knowledge learned and reap the resulting benefit.

In talking and doing presentations on the Human ECO System lifestyle, I am constantly made aware of how hard others find the transition from life boredom to healthy living.

Life boredom is the mantra I made up to describe "too hard", "too busy", "too tired", "no time", "work or family commitments" or any of the other excuses that are applied when we speak of doing things good for us yet there is always time for a coffee shop catch-up, drink and dinner with friends or "time spent sitting on your butt imitating living". I used to say this with clients when they gave me any excuse.

Then we have the other side of the transitional phase. The newly found fitness devotee who now spends all their time at the gym because that is their new found obsession. This is not healthy and in fact is just "life transference".

Now it is definitely a far better progression from the sitting on your butt and will get you healthy but if we can find your passion dial and turn it down a few notches so that this obsession comes back under your control, you will alienate far fewer friends - trust me.

I am speaking from personal experience so gain from my lessons.
I am passionate about fitness, health, the human body and sometimes ..... ok maybe often in the past I was that annoying guy. You know him. He seems to want to share all his knowledge and you just want to finish your beer and pizza in peace.

When I look back now I get a greater sense of perspective that there is definitely a time and a place for passing on knowledge. I have also learned how to provide information without it seeming like I was judging them, because I never was, but perception is a personal thing. To my friends I apologize for that perception but note I did it with positive intent. Hey I'm a caring and sharing kind of guy.

We live such short lives that being the best we can be sometimes means harnessing that knowledge and delivery mechanism. Now I proudly tell everyone that I am fitness possessed and NOT fitness obsessed.

It's YOUR life - YOU choose !

1 comment:

Splice said...

I am fitness possessed but anyone that knows me would think I am fitness obsessed lol.
Great post Tony and I also do believe it when you say "actions speak louder the words" but words really can have a huge impact aswell :-)