Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday 23rd March 2009 - Your LIFE is becoming part of a Global Franchise

I was talking to a colleague and he was telling me about this original new concept in fitness training that he was impressed with. I listened to his description and thought back to my entry into the fitness industry some 20 years ago and what he had described was at the time known basically as a Circuit.

Now they say that what becomes old will once again become new. This was one of those examples and while I didn't want to discourage his enthusiasm or passion for the "new" fitness regime coming along, I felt that really there aren't many more new modes of training using little to no equipment that can be "invented".

Sure there will always be new equipment but again even some of them are more marketing than fitness based. You see them all the time during the early morning hours of television and promising massive results for minimal effort and all come with payment plans.

There is no doubt that fitness is a hard sell. It requires greater than average effort, applied consistency and personal challenge. You must make lifestyle challenges through nutrition intake that requires reduced calories and increased nutrients to support these fitness efforts and in fact there is proof that just making the change to being active can have limited benefit so don't rely on only making half the necessary steps to fat loss success.

So how does this all affect your Human ECO System?

With today's technology comprising all it's elements from Websites, Blogs, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and any other form of social media you wish to name I believe that we are all now becoming "products" in a new global franchise called LIFE. You can find out about absolutely anything you desire, you can follow all your friends in their daily existence and even communicate without speaking. Most of these "activities" aren't active living at all as they require levels of inactivity and no movement unless you are part of the mobile phone age that never leaves you "friendless or alone".

I just urge you to take as much enjoyment in your own life as we all seem to revel in the lives of our friends and family. There is no substitute for YOU.

Now how can we still focus on our healthy lifestyle goals. Try to make a deliberate effort to ensure that YOU are as important to your daily habits as watching the lives of others seems to be to us all. I am no exception with my Website, Blog, Twitter and Facebook but I do always get up and go for a walk outside, breathe the fresh air and drink some water as this will ensure at my next nutrient intake (refuelling with food), that it will enhance not limit my health goals.

I also teach Spin cycle classes three times a week and do three weight based workouts to support my Mind Fitness with some Body Fitness.

Remember - it's YOUR Body - it's YOUR Life !!

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