Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday 13th September 2008 - Week Eight Day Six - Global Health Challenge

There are only the last two days to go of this total 56 days and I guess now it's time to take stock the aspects of change that I have now completed that have become "normal" in my life.

Nutrition summary:
- I have consumed a lot less chicken (this has been a conscious choice as I do hold concerns over the hormones that "could" possibly be added
- For the last 15 years I have been an anti-fat advocate and would not willingly choose to eat as much or total "good fats" in my eating plan each day. Yes I ate avocado but now I feel leaner, stronger and more in control of these actions. I have made Salmon and Tuna my most consumed regular dinner companions
- Salad has become my staple element of eating actions. Whereas many years ago it would have been the potatoes or rice (your basic carbs) that filled my plate now they are the "token" addition based upon my activity levels and feel that the additional fibre from salads has also helped with any GI tract related conditions
- I have significantly reduced my coffee intake but still love have a cup but now don't use it as a "mental break or distraction from work". I think a lot of people need an excuse to leave their desk and this fills that requirement and is now recognized as such
- I have definitely made water a larger part of my daily habit. Some days I don't even notice how much I have consumed but equally on other days I need to remind myself. This is the conscious moments that I want to keep up.

Actvity Summary:
- I knew when I started this I needed to put in more effort than the basic person to see a significant result as I was already a keenly active person. Now I know that certain activities will illicit different responses in me but my goal was (and still is) to stay committed even on days when I was busy to fit in my workout sessions.
- I constantly had to increase the intensity as I got fitter and not "settle" for just showing up as I think a lot of people do when they start a gym membership but then lose the enthusiasm when the "results" aren't as fast coming.

Mental Summary
- This was a way for me to also allow elements of my "creative" side to flourish and they have. It has manifested itself into three completed screenplays, another three potential movie concepts that are now in scripting, a full 56 days of Human ECO System blogs providing I hope not only my daily eating record but also interesting knowledge aspects, the concept creation of two reality TV show pitches (one was dismissed as not good enough - that happens) and one that is still being pitched to networks.

Would I say that I have gained insight from this. Yes and as equally surprizing and exciting for me was that I learned more about the Human ECO System and the way that by nurturing it I can ensure that it remains positively healthy and able to increase my quality of LIFE.

So will I now go back to my old ways - not a chance.
Thank you to the incredible people who have sent me messages of encouragement and support letting me know that THEY also were benefitting from this knowledge and practice.

It's YOUR Body - It's YOUR Life !!

Goal of this last Seven (7) days is to assess and consolidate all of the last 7 weeks including the Human ECO Cleanse to now establish patterns for your new LIFE.

- Assess your eating habits and see what you have re-introduced. Did you re-introduce caffeine or red meat and have you found you can now do without as much of these. The focus now is not to slip back into old habits but recognise them and use your knowledge for better choices.
- Check your workout intensity, your fitness would support increases or even additional days. Are you are planning these in to your routine- Reward yourself with only 7 days to go.
NOTE - this is isn't the end but rather the beginning of YOUR new Human ECO friendly LIFE.

TONY 's DIARY - (Week Eight - Day Six)
New LIFE Begins ..... Recognise Positive Patterns of eating and drinking

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 40g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + Organic Coconut Oil. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power + 2 x Omega 3 Capsules

Mid Morning Workout - Pump Class

Mid Morning Snack:
Cappuccino and Protein Bar (after Workout)

Tuna + Mixed Leaves + Cucumber + Tomato + Avocado

Mid Afternoon snack:
25g Protein Powder with water + Organic Coconut Oil

2 x Turkey Breast + Large Salad

2 Hours before bed:
300ml water + Protein Shake + Combination Greens + Organic Coconut Oil

Overall - Water consumption = Habit is now committed to action and with only 2 days remaining I feel fantastic.

Daily mantra:
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my action

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