Did I mention the body is a really incredible machine ?
Fact :
Your Heart produces around 40 million beats every year
Fact :
There are 45 miles of nerves in the skin of a human
Fact :
There are over 100,000 miles of blood vessels inside an adults body
Fact :
30 percent of your body heat is lost through your head
Fact :
Nerve impulses travel to the brain at speeds up to 170 miles per hour
Fact :
There are 206 bones in the adult human body. Babies have 270 bones but as you grow some of your bones join together (eg Head + Spine)
Fact :
Imagine a square on your skin that is one inch long and one inch wide. In that area, there are 3 million cells, 4 yards of nerve fibres, and eighteen yards of blood vessels.
I want to give you a little background so that you understand how I have gained this knowledge and it’s purpose for YOU. As a fitness trainer and former owner of a private fitness studio in Sydney (Australia) who wanted to be more of a role model to his clients with possibly a little vanity rolled up in that, I was constantly being asked by my clients “what should I eat, how much and when?”
I found that the eating plans that were being taught by many expert nutritionists at the time seemed to be less effective on me and so I started to challenge what was my learned belief as it surely wasn't getting what my clients wanted. I found what I was being taught was failing to get me as lean as promised, so why did I expect it to work on others, who obviously were less active then I was ?
This was my conundrum all through the late 90’s. Yet I tried to stay committed to what they were telling me. You are probably realizing that what I was doing was just a “pattern or habit” that I should have recognized. If you said this you are right, and that means that you are learning already.
At the time, I would say to these experts “I know I’m not a nutritionist or dietician, but the current philosophies on what is effective for fat loss are constantly changing. We’ve had the low-fat / high carbohydrate era and that has now been evaluated as less then effective so what else can we do to help my clients?”
I got lucky. I met a lady who was a switched on nutritionist that seemed to not only be getting great results with her clients but also strongly believed in replacing our largely disproportionate intake of carbs with lean proteins. What a blessing for me to find someone whose philosophy I not only believed in but was working on me.
I decided to make some changes with my clients and with her input I created my first 8 Week Challenge in the Studio to get members leaner. It worked and as they say the rest is history. But along the way I had many detractors who coincidentally are now marketing their own version of my style of program. Is flattery really all that satisfying ? Who cares is people are getting the results they seek !
I found our new belief of trying to limit the excessive intake of total carbohydrates that most people consume, logical and very practical. Then the results started to kick in and so I then underwent the next phase of the strategy. Convincing non-clients who were totally focused on low fat foods which tended to have a higher level of carbohydrates in different / varying form of sugars to try this way of eating. No easy task let me tell you.
The joint plan that I instigated with my staff we had developed was to focus on increasing lean sources of protein as most people weren’t eating enough. Then at the same time, address the excessive amount of carbohydrates everyone was consuming and going from refined to more “earth based” such as vegetables and salads. Then I set about getting the word out to everyone I met, in person and on the internet.
At this suggestion, one of my friends and some clients still weren't convinced and said “yeah but what about people such as (insert any world class elite level athletes name here), they eat lots of rice and pasta and carbo load before events. They also drink lots of sports drinks, promote soft drinks and they are really lean so it must work …………”
This was the most common feedback that I would get and I would reply “you are correct. They are very lean. They have controlled eating habits and drink very little alcohol. Apart from it being their career, they are also active and/or working out four (4) to six (6) hours per DAY. How close to that do you think you are with your effort to train here with me for three (3) hours per WEEK, which is still very good and can achieve your result if we adjust your FUEL type”
The typical subdued response was often “yeah, I guess that does put things into perspective”. Perspective, what an interesting word. I took a look at a few dictionary’s to find out the exact meaning was and found this - “the ability to see all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship”. I would translate that to mean “relevant data in it’s context”.
We forget that marketing companies use our “celebrities and sports heroes” to entice us (especially the teen market and young children) to purchase their product because it makes them profits (BIG PROFITS). Does it improve our health to believe and then do what our “heroes” are saying this product does or could provide. Can we really blame our sports heroes as part of their obligation to their Sponsors for trying to make a living ?
Probably not; but they need to be mindful of their “responsibility” and it’s contribution to children’s global health. Should the products come with a warning such as other products that aren’t proven do such as :
“By consuming this amount of product (which I mostly likely don’t), it will NOT guarantee any health benefit UNLESS you live the exact same gruelling lifestyle and training regime I do and have the exact same nutrient restriction that allows me to perform at my best - cheers”.
I’m probably being a little dramatic and hard on them here, but I think YOU get what I mean. We need to be able to “silence the noise” that marketers throw at us. By having a better and more informed understanding of how our bodies work to assess what is important for our long term health, we can maximize and enjoy our time here on EARTH.
So back to my nutrition issues.
In discussions with nutritionists and dieticians I found even they were expressing opposing views on what was the best nutrient profile for getting lean and healthy. In the last two years I have attended national conferences in both Australia and the United States for the Nutrition / Dietetic industry and STILL it’s like no one is really keen or confidently able to state emphatically that any one plan or nutrient profile will work. That makes sense just think of the political football that it is.
Then you have some industry bodies are supported by donations from various food foundations which could then be seen as a non-committal endorsement for their products. Other leading food companies are able to cite their “in-house nutrition experts” who tell us that there really has been study after study to show you the benefit of their food. Again, this is most likely correct. I am not disputing that there is value in quality nutritional research but I always have this question:
“Do the research subjects involved in these studies all live the exact same lives while on the study as they did before they began ? Or is it like the reality shows on TV, where they take someone away from their normal “out of control” life with bad eating habits and minimal or no activity, introduce a “perfect situation in a controlled environment” and then get incredible results.
It’s not rocket science.
Anyone who lives in a “test tube” can change their lives, but it’s the reintroduction back to society that then causes issues with long term results and sustainability.
Unless you can validate that “useable” knowledge has been gained, such as the “workable solutions” I am trying to provide you with; then it’s like most other weight loss programs which could lead you to failure again. So what we trying to do is plan for SUCCESS, not just do it for FAILURE.
I understand why this issue of what to eat, how much and when is so confusing for those people who are challenged anyway. So to that I will add that I have good news and bad news.
First the BAD News – I know that with this lifestyle plan there will be those who will want to voice their own opinion on habits for eating and that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and there are lots of them so I respect that.
Now, the GOOD News – having tried and tested this (and now living it full-time myself) with the support of key members of the nutrition / dietetic communities who do agree, and who are also “volunteer” advisory board members, I know it works but it’s like having the recipe to your favourite cake.
If you don’t prepare and cook it the way that it is listed – you get what you get. By that I mean it may not taste exactly the same way you anticipated. Don’t skip on either the elements of awareness gained through recognizing habits and patterns, but rather try to learn and improve your Human ECO System Knowledge and then dive straight into the Action Plan.
Now why have I don’t this; I have advised and trained many thousands of clients over the last 20+ years and they all seemed to gain a better more effective understanding of how their bodies work to achieve a more life-changing result for better health.
For me it's simple .... My Goal is to give you the Knowledge = POSITIVE RESULT achieved.
Goal of this final fourteen (14) days or two (2) weeks is designed to consolidate all of the last 6 weeks including the Human ECO Cleanse and to now establish patterns for your new LIFE.
- Assess your eating habits and see what you have re-introduced. Did you re-introduce caffeine or red meat and have you found you can now do without as much of these. The focus now is not to slip back into old habits but recognise them and use your knowledge for better choices.
- Check your workout intensity, your fitness would support increases or even additional days. Are you are planning these in to your routine- Reward yourself with only 14 days to go.
NOTE - this is isn't the end but rather the beginning of YOUR new Human ECO friendly LIFE.
TONY 's DIARY - (Week Seven - Day Five)
Protein Re-introduced - Increased Good Fats
Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 40g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + Organic Coconut Oil. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power + 2 x Omega 3 Capsules
Mid Morning Snack:
Cappuccino + Protein Bar
Tuna and Salad Wrap
Mid Afternoon snack:
25g Protein Powder with water + Organic Coconut Oil
Tuna + HUGE Mixed Salad + Tomato + Cucumber + Pear + Strawberries
2 Hours before Bed:
400ml water + Fibre Shake + Combination Greens + Organic Coconut Oil
Overall - Water consumption = Habit is now committed to action.
Daily mantra:
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my action
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