Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday 12th August 2008 - Week Four Day Two - Global Health Challenge

Do YOU have the Power to take control ?
I wanted to share this with you after a conversation I had with a friend today. She was very happy with her results to date and felt that she was back in charge of her life. I was really pleased because I know that there is an unusual feeling of power when you start to take control of the decisions in your life and no greater decision is made than what goes into your body via nutritional intake.

YOU are what YOU eat ... on the inside.

Once you begin to influence your choices with committed dedication the results to get healthier come much easier. Numerous studies have shown there is still a great benefit to this even for people who don't exercise but I personally believe and advocate a greater wholistic approach. One that requires the necessary elements of physical activity at least three times per week for an hour to increase fitness and improve cardiovascular health and offset the preventable diseases that are over-running society today.

This program of the Global Health Challenge sets in place better habits, life patterns and educates you on trigger points that have been a problem in the past and then through YOUR efforts and knowledge re-introduces a more sound approach to achieving your goals with nutrition and activity which equals leaner, healthier bodies.

All too often we rely on the activity component of our lives such as gym memberships combined with a diet to cure the ills (fat gain) that we bring upon ourselves. The game becomes how many calories from food and alcohol abuse can my body take before I have to repent and pay for my sins. While in the back of your mind you tell yourself that I'm not that bad or I don't need to worry about this till summer and then I will just go to the Gym everyday to lose the fat. If that is YOUR plan then let me tell you this - It won't work!

Would you do that to your child or your best friend ?
Fill them with unhealthy calories from nutritionally poor food and excess sugar intake (and for adults alcohol abuse) and then let them not exercise until their bellies hang over their pants?

Imagine you have the power to help them.
What would you do?
And when would you do it?
When it's to late or would you try to set them on the right path as soon as you found out a better way and leading by example.

Get a family member or friend to try this Challenge.
It will only save their life.

Global Health Challenge - Week Four (8 week Overview reposted in earlier blog)

Goal of this week is to consolidate the first three (3) weeks of life changing habits – Half way !
- Reduce your dairy intake
- Reduce intake of red meat and replace to white fish
- Maintain the three (3) days of activity – add an additional “family fun day” on the weekend
- Maintain H20 (water) intake to 8 glasses per day

TONY 's DIARY - (Week Four - Day Two)

Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 45g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + 1/2 cup Frozen Banana. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power

Mid Morning Workout - Pump Class - worked really hard

Mid Morning Snack:
Green Tea + Protein Bar

Mixed Leaf Salad + Tuna + Tomato + Cucumber + Strawberries + Dressing

Mid Afternoon snack:
Cappuccino + 6 x Corn Thins with Peanut Butter + 20g Protein with 250ml water

Evening Workout - Spin Class - and worked really hard ... intensity high !

Grilled Salmon + Huge Mixed Leaf Salad + Capsicum (Red Pepper) + Tomato + Cucumber + Strawberries + Dressing.

2 Hours before Bed:
400ml water + Fibre Shake + 20g Protein Powder + Combination Greens

Overall - Water consumption = done. Workouts are intense with focus for the fourth week -I am feeling really strong and now pushing cardio to match muscle conditioning sessions.

Daily mantra:
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my actions.

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