Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday 3rd August 2008 - Week Two Day Seven - Global Health Challenge

I decided to sleep in today after a late night and few hard weeks of training so I planned to adjust how many meals during the day I would need. There is no requirement to try to get in all the meals when I didn't need them so just ensure quality nutrients are consumed.

However I did ensure that I ate well and still achieved my workout to be on the plan. I am sitting at 73.5kgs (162 lbs) which for my height of 5'7" sits well. Confirmation that I was looking good was pleasant to hear last night when I was out as people were asking me about the Challenge and so of course this pumped up my commitment too.

All in all with two weeks complete I am getting ready for Week 5 which is the Human ECO System Cleanse which will really ensure that this plan is in overdrive and the results are acheived.

Global Health Challenge - Week Two (8 week Overview reposted in earlier blog)

Points to focus on for Week Two :
Goal of this week is to begin to fine tune the Plan and focus on the end result – New YOU
- Reduce alcohol completely from your life for the duration of the E.C.O. System Plan
- Reduce your caffeine intake to one cup per day (if applicable)
- Increase your fibre intake with salads and vegetables
- Increase H20 (water) to 8 glasses per day- Maintain the three (3) days of activity

TONY 's DIARY - (Week Two - Day Seven)

Brunch (late start to day - slept in):
Energy Shake - 400ml Water + 45g Protein Powder + Combination Greens Powder + 1/2 cup Frozen Berries. Take a Daily Multi vitamin + Joint Power

Mixed Leaf Salad + Green Beans + Carrot + Tomato + Cucumber + Low Fat Cottage Cheese + 4 x Corn Thins + Dressing

Mid Afternoon snack:
Energy Smoothie - 400ml water + 30g Protein Powder

Afternoon Workout - 45 mins Pump Class + 15 mins Cardio on Rower

Huge Mixed Leaf Salad + Low Fat Cottage Cheese.

2 Hours before Bed:
400ml water + Fibre Shake + 20g Protein Powder + Combination Greens

Overall - I consumed enough water during the day. I got back on the plan of great eating and then ensured that I completed my workout for lean muscle conditioning and cardio fitness in the afternoon.

Daily mantra :
I am totally committed to supporting my Human ECO System with my actions.

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