Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday 26th July 2009 - The Essence of Life - quality nutrients

The picture I have added is how my day normally begins. An Energy Shake, Cup of Coffee and Nutritional Support.

My energy shake is made up of 250g water mixed with 100g of skim milk, added to that is 45g of Protein (Whey) and two scoops of Barley Grass (Greens).

Yes, like a lot of fitness professionals I need a vice and my choice is coffee. Love the smell, love the taste and also it has beneficially effects for releasing FFA's (free fatty acids) from the fat cell if your levels of insulin are low and your system is not flooded with carbs (sugars).

The tablets you can see are my Multi-vitamin/mineral plus Anti-oxidants and the yellow ones are a Glucosamine/Chrondoitin blend that offsets joint discomfort from years spent training and playing sport.

I often get asked "should we take a vitamin tablet?"
Yes I believe that WE ALL need to be taking "nutritional support" as not only are the quality of foods nowadays not as high as when base daily levels of required intakes were set but also the levels of pollution we ingest causing damage need to be minimized.

Initially each morning I try to do some exercise which will depend on the phase of training that I am in, but mostly it's a health regime that I can do anywhere or anytime and involves both cardio and lean muscle conditioning. It's not designed to be a body building regime but rather an all body workout to promote a healthy life.

To support that activity I ensure that I drink adequate levels of H2O and for me it is about 2-3 litres per day. The Rainbow Eating Plan I created to adopt is based upon Nutrients and NOT calories. I am happy for you to look back through my entries on here and find it and use it.

During the day I re-fuel about every three hours and make sure that there is adequate portions of protein (including plant types but mostly fish, chicken or meat or nuts). I do this as it forms the basis for the elements of our Human ECO System and breaks down into amino acids that form our RNA and DNA. I eat mostly salads and vegetables and occassionally supplement that carbohydrate intake with brown rice or cous cous.

Reducing the processed foods most people consume will lower the intake of unnecessary total calories and move your body from a permanent "storage" mode into a more friendly position for decreasing levels of bodyfat when you add in activity with intensity.

I think that explains the genesis of the Human ECO System and how it all came about. Having been a fitness and health professional advocate for over 20 years I still remain fascinated in the human body and all it's functional forms. Whether female or male you can't help but be impressed by the effort that some people show in achieving what to other's is a "work of art".

In all it's simplicity that artwork involves dedication, commitment, persistence and sacrifice which all amount to the ability to not only set goals but achieve them. If you see someone and think that you would like to have their commitment it will only take you moving forward and allowing yourself to become a priority.

I lead a life that has moments of downtime but mostly it's a constantly evolving pace and while I love the challenges that come my way, as I mentioned in my previous blog, I ensure that the inner aspects of my human eco system are fed and watered. Then when you add the nuturing and respect aspect of "SELF" and these are supportive of self love over self loathing and self belief over self doubt, you are on the road to success.

Are you doing everything you can to HELP YOURSELF ?
If not, then I suggest you make a plan and commit to it and if you are not sure what to do - ask and I will try to assist.

1 comment:

Barry Lovelace said...

Great Post Tony!

Everything is not only true, but so VERY important to our 'Human Eco System'.

Keep up the great work!
