Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday 14th June 2009 - Are we losing the childhood obesity war ?

I saw this article this morning in the Daily Telegraph and had to repost it as there seems to be a real difference between the problems and the solutions relating to childhood obesity.

In this article it seems that profits for schools have a greater focus then the health of children attending them which bodes well for the future of our country.

With so many "experts" out there telling us we are doing well it seems this is just more rhetoric unless you buy their programs and plans. Then we have the former sports idols of kids who have now become the health experts in the media. I guess they get coverage from media outlets keenn to get people to watch their programs - poor practice I would say as a life long health professional.

The Australian government has a lot to answer for when it allows the content of this article to be its front line approach.

I did however see another article on the weekend that the American First Lady has made a commitment to reducing childhood obesity, so have contacted well known Dr to ask for assistance on this.

Let's hope that Michele Obama will be more successful at making strategic and purposeful change than either of the last two administrations in the US or Australia.

Health nazis losing obesity war as pies return to school canteens

THE Aussie pie, pizzas and sausage rolls are back in school canteens as the war against child obesity falters and threatens to collapse.

Lollies, ice creams, chips and even banned sports drinks have also re-emerged on school menus because thousands of families are snubbing healthier foods. Nutritionists and dietitians are desperately trying to rescue the $750,000 school health campaign launched five years ago by former Premier Bob Carr.

They are offering "low fat" Aussie beef pies, pizzas made with wholemeal pita bread and vegetables and chicken burgers to children who turn their noses up at salads and wraps. The anti-health push is greatest at secondary level where students leave school grounds to eat at local fast food outlets or order in takeaway pizza on their mobile phones.

Dietitians have told The Daily Telegraph some schools are offering pies to children three times a day - at breakfast, recess and lunch. In a bid to reverse the trend the Healthy Kids School Canteen Association is taking over some school food operations. Low fat pies, pizzas and sausage rolls, with ingredients that meet health guidelines and home-made lasagne are now the front line items aimed at winning customers back.

Friday is pie and pizza day at Holy Cross Primary School at Glenwood in Sydney's west - portion sizes limited to healthy amounts - and the kids are lining up to get their orders. Canteen Association dietitian Jennifer Madz said Holy Cross would become a template across the state.

"The problem is parents see the canteen as a treat and expect treat food there. We are trying to change the behaviour," Ms Madz said. "High schools are a special problem where students with money in their pockets go off campus to lunch in local fast food outlets. We are working on a plan to combat that."

Canteens hit by the global recession claim profits have been eroded as students resist low-fat menus.

While most sugary drinks are banned from school canteens, the food industry has manipulated some products to get around the rules. To get a non-milk-based gelato accepted the manufacturer added calcium and reduced the portion size.

Banned Powerade became "Powerade Light" and juice was carbonated and sold in a can so children would think it was a softdrink. Under the nutrition rules foods are divided into red (no more than twice a term), amber (to be selected carefully and in smaller servings) and green (fill the menu) categories. But enforcement has been almost non-existent and the Catholic and independent school sectors are not bound by them

Sunday 14th June 2009 - Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones

I saw this headline posted on a billboard yesterday and at the time I was driving to teach my Spin class. I had nearly 30 minutes to contemplate how I would use this saying as part of my motivation in the training session with the gym members.

In life we often see obstacles or hurdles that may present in our lives as problems. They can manifest into situations where we seem to have no option or alternative which makes them insurmountable.

Now let's take a different approach this perceived problem by adjusting our attitude. If you think of those "tough" moments during training sessions when you believe you can't do anymore or improve the result, often the first response is to give up or quit. In this example they are a "stumbling block".

However when those times or situations arise during our training sessions, what will happen if we try to push through that perceived barrier? Probably we will surprise ourselves by achieving success. Of course you will not succeed everytime but there will be times when you cross the line in the sand or break through that barrier. This success was only made possible by "trying". In this example they are a "stepping stone" on the road to improved health.

So it got me to try that with the class. First I spoke of my sighting of the sign. Then I mentioned that I added the next part.

Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones = Perception + Attitude - YOU can make a difference.

At the time we were beginning on a hard hill climb and I wanted them to try harder then their own perceptions of their personal abilities. I really took them on a challenge, I knew that as my heart rate was high and breathing was tough.

I looked around at the class and they were not only working hard but they were also smiling. We all got to the top of the hill and there was a different feeling in the room. A lot of these people were regulars in my class and know that my Saturday morning Hour of Power is not for the faint hearted so I knew that they would be fine but today there was a new lady in the class, who did the climb and also achieved a new high level of personal best effort.

After the class during cool down we spoke of personal experiences and many felt that it was their best effort in a workout. I felt priveleged to have been part of that, because reality is that as the "instructor" we really are only a facilitator to motivate them to work out and it is up to the individual in a Spin class to keep increasing the dial intensity so they really become "their own trainer".

The new lady in my class approached me afterwards, happy because she hadn't ever worked that hard before and was both pleased and surprised. I then congratulated her on her amazing effort. I smiled and asked if she would be back and she held up the timetable with my class circled and said "of course".

Another happy customer on the life path to greater health.
I am still smiling from that class and their effort and can't wait to be back in the saddle.
Days like yesterday is why I am a Fitness Professional !

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday 6th June 2009 - The journey continues

I haven't been as regular with writing my health blog lately but that doesn't mean that I have forgotten about it as I really do enjoy trying to make a difference to the lives of others. I'm still attempting to live by example and so am still working out hard and teaching Spin regularly. The one constant in my life is nutrient filled eating habits and living an active lifestyle.

Another aspect I covet apart from changing lives through health awareness is my interest in the entertainment business (scriptwriting + producing both movies and television shows). My last three years have been spent developing script content and now with two completed scripts that are seeking funding, what I have found is that it's definitely easier to write movies then it is to raise funds for them.

One is the animated project (about the MOB) and the others is about a female serial killer (this has also been getting great reviews from peers so if you know a Producer looking for slate content then get them to contact me). I have three other scripts in various stages of writing development in different genre's that keeps my writing fresh (I hope).

While the funding has been taking place it has been a challenge over the last four months to . I have been working to find the "best film Producer" to work with on the animated project and I think that I have one of the most capable people in the Australian movie industry to now work with so that is moving along slowly - but it's moving.

Having been so close earlier this year to raise the funds with our budget of AUD$40M ... then sadly the Global Financial Crisis happened and as a result - I'm now still looking ... looking ... looking ... but hope to have good news in the near future.

So as a result I then had to adjust my "life compass direction" as all my movie contacts in the United States "went quiet" and I was told to be patient as this happens in the movie business all the time but there is no doubt that I have at times felt disappointed that having been so close to raising the money then now feel that I am back at the start line.

Luckily there has been wide spread support for my animated movie project with industry professionals all aware and advising me that this project is worth continuing as it has global audience appeal. Of course that doesn't help me right now so I have had to make drastic living changes to "follow my dreams".

My passion for health is as strong as it ever was but reality is that in a recession filled world it is harder to encourage others to part with their limited income to get healthier and so while I am still teaching my cycle classes this doesn't allow me enough money to focus 100% on my writing so I am now also looking at undertaking some part time Navy Reserve as a Physical Trainer. I was in the Navy some years ago in this role and have applied so hope for news soon.

In the meantime while I wait for that process to happen, it has involved me moving out of my apartment in Sydney and down to Wollongong (an hour south for those who haven't heard of it) to be closer to the family who have been an amazing support network and also will be rewarded when the movie side of my life takes off. Without them and Brooke it would have been so much harder to deal with all the changes.

Now that I'm settling in here and waiting for the Navy to advise me of a "join up date" I will be doing some filming of my Afterburner Workouts and also adding Nutrient Stategies from the Human ECO System Program so keep an eye out for that.

It will also allow me time to focus on writing two of the next scripts - one is a comedy that could be termed a "chick flick" and the other is a co-write of an animated adaption of a published children's short story that seems to be growing all on it's own.

Stay tuned for more updates and information on life changing health strategies.